

Anyone else got whiplash? What a crazy downhill roller coaster run February was. In January I was giving myself high fives for slowly settl...

Anyone else got whiplash? What a crazy downhill roller coaster run February was. In January I was giving myself high fives for slowly settling into the new year and then February came up and gave me a good shove from behind.

I manage the processes and flow of information Australian Red Cross delivers in an emergency as well as marketing the appeals that support the organisation’s emergency relief and recovery programs. It’s fair to say February was a shocker, with fires in Tasmania, Victoria, NSW and WA as well as floods in northern Queensland and a close call with a cyclone.

We've had a shocker run across the family too, with court proceedings, cars written off, personal items stolen and physical accidents. I reckon all the curve balls were thrown at us this month, so if 2019 can ease off a little now, I'd be damn thankful.


I WENT TO… Bundanoon for my Mum’s 70th, and beyond that, I stayed pretty close to home.

I ATE… I bought a copy of Hetty McKinnon’s Family cook book and have started moving through the recipes. The change of season at the end of summer is a perfect time discover new recipes. We also had a number of birthdays in the family this month, so this easy chocolate fudge cake was whipped up to accommodate dietary needs (no flour or dairy) and it was a hit. Four ingredients and so easy.

I OP SHOPPED… A blue pottery breakfast bowl, for $4, and a copy of Bill Granger’s Every Day cook book, also for $4.

I MADE… A green frock. I found 4.5m of a lovely green linen blend at my favourite op shop last month and dug through my op shopped dress patterns to see what I could whip up and wear before the end of the season. Between cutting the fabric and finishing the hem and button holes, the dress sat at one end of our kitchen table for almost a month, but the fit and finish are all the better for having taken it slow.

I READ… Rarely will I stick with a book that I can't get into within a chapter or two, but I am glad I stuck to Anthony Doeer's About Grace. It was dense, but the main character is one that stays with you and you really, really find yourself wanting to know how things pan out for him.

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