

I swear the wind down, or is that up, to the end of the year starts earlier every year. I'm seeing high school graduation photos in my f...

I swear the wind down, or is that up, to the end of the year starts earlier every year. I'm seeing high school graduation photos in my feed, the grand final weekend seems to be a marker to the party season once reserved for Melbourne Cup day and there are signs everywhere that Christmas is coming.

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || spring daffodils

Is it just me, or are you feeling it too?


I WENT TO... Coonamble to visit the grandkidlets and their mum for a weekend. We had grand intentions of taking them all to the Warrumbungles for "a-bencha" - an adventure in five-year-old speak - but the dust storms plaguing Central West NSW right now kept us from stepping out. Our "a-bencha" will have to wait until our next trip.

I ATE... A pretty fine Turkish breakfast at The Walrus, not far from where I work in Sydney. Seriously, how much of a treat is a bang-up breakfast before work? I should do it more often.

I OP SHOPPED... A funky mid-century woven chandelier; an old Life magazine cook book; and a few wardrobe bits and bobs, including an '80s denim shirt, skirt, glass beads necklace and silver earrings with turquoise set in.

I MADE... tie-dyed socks and recycled paper. I ran a friend's Girl Guide unit through September while she travelled and we went with a spring theme. Our first week was spring fashion: making tie-dyed socks. The second week we made recycled paper sheets to write invitations for a spring picnic later in the month. The third week we potted up flowering seedlings and made newspaper pots and planted pumpkin and sunflower seeds. The last week we made pizzas from scratch, using this quick-rise recipe for the dough and this recipe for the tomato sauce.

I READ... The Testaments. Have you read this new work from Margaret Atwood? I don't want to say too much. If you loved The Handmaid's Tale, as I did, as well as the series, I simply don't want to drop a spoiler. I haven't even linked to a review here, I think they all say too much. Look away and put a hand up to anyone who wants to talk about it until you've had a chance yourself.

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