

It's been a good haul at the op shops this weekend. I needed to update my wardrobe and a long weekend at home meant I had the time to tr...

It's been a good haul at the op shops this weekend. I needed to update my wardrobe and a long weekend at home meant I had the time to trawl shops beyond my usual haunts.

katiecraczkernuts.blogspot.com || vintage knits and winter pieces from the op shops

My top scores were a woollen Ken Done jumper for $10, a cream leather skirt for $3.50 and a pair of black vintage Levi's for $15. I also added a wool skirt, hand-knitted wool beret, sparkly purple stretch skirt and a similarly luminous gold top for $26 between them - all up, a little more than $50.

I love how they all work together too: the jumper and the long knit purple skirt; the jeans and the gold top; and that yellow beret goes with it all.

I've aired those that need airing, washed those that need washing and as always, am amazed at the endurance of well-made pieces, some of my finds are easily 30 years old.

Enjoy the rest of your long weekend, and a few interesting links...

Are you still having 'porridge days'
I get about three days for most items
Older than Wonder Woman
How do you use your commute?
For the '80s wardrobe alone

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