
I've done it... February 2017

The last day of summer. I am really bummed. Usually I'd be happy to see a shift to cooler days and nights and the promise of days spent ...

The last day of summer. I am really bummed. Usually I'd be happy to see a shift to cooler days and nights and the promise of days spent digging in the garden, sans mosquitoes and sweat pricking my skin.

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com.au || summer fruits pineapple and watermelon
But, I am not ready. Not ready to leave behind long days of sunshine. I haven't finished harvesting tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden. All my lettuce actually bolted straight to seed, so perhaps with shorter cooler days at the start of autumn I'll get a second chance at that. I'm not ready to leave behind salty dips in the ocean. I'm not ready to let go of easy summer dinners and home made ice blocks. I'm just not ready.


I WENT TO... University. Yes, 20-something years on from an undergraduate degree I am going back to school. It's hard. Really hard.

I ATE... Two birthday dinners. One at Bombini, on the NSW Central Coast, and one (thank you Virginia) at Jamie's Italian, in Sydney. Both were a lovely treat.

I OP SHOPPED... It's my favourite haul of the month, a 1980s cotton dress screen printed by artists from the Tiwi Island's Bathurst Island print dress.

I MADE... This should read 'I repaired'. Knowing how to sew means you can also mend and I've been replacing old elastic in waistbands and hemming up linings. Often the things I find at the op shop need just a simple repair. A dropped lining in a Veronica Maine dress was an easy fix and with a little unpicking and a hand sewn hem, it was as good as new.

I READ... Chapters and chapters of university texts. I'd forgotten about the intensity of reading and the tricky science that is referencing.

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