

IT'S been a slow weekend here. The weather is cooler, we haven't strayed far from the front door and generally we've been pacing...

IT'S been a slow weekend here. The weather is cooler, we haven't strayed far from the front door and generally we've been pacing ourselves for what will be a busy month of family and festivities.

www.katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || spring garden flower sprig
Two grandkidlets have already had a whirling dervish visit, upending the house, as they do, and with them gone, our Sunday has been quiet. 

www.katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || spring fresh grapes in an op shop pottery bowl
We're nibbling at grapes and cooking simple omelettes, strewn with fresh cut chives, or a frittata with cold potato chunks and leftover sausage from Friday night's barbecue, served with salad greens picked from the garden.

www.katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || baked banana bread from reclaimed bananas
Anything not eaten ends up in the compost or cooked up. A small treat of lemon myrtle leaves from a produce swap earlier in the month was infused in vodka to make a botanical cocktail. Saved mandarin skins that were left to dry have been blitzed in the herb grinder and will be used when baking this Christmas.

www.katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || twined string from bread bags
At night, my hands are busy twining string from washed and reclaimed bread bags and I am itching to pick up a knitting project with a fine fingering weight: something cool enough to knit with in the coming summer. Maybe Santa will bring me a little yarn.

www.katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || silk scarf from the op shop
And visits to the op shops are netting tiny treasures for a coin or two. A $2 silk scarf, light as a feather, but big enough to throw around my neck on a cooler than usual spring evening; pull back a fringe that I am growing out, or even throw over a table or tray for pretty cocktail hour decor.

How are you going? Are you pacing yourself too?

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