Christmas 2015
I pin you pin we all pin
November 09, 2015I WAS on the phone to my sister over the weekend, checking her plans for Christmas, where she and her lot will be. Christmas lunch will be at ours but there will be visitors and visiting to do before then. As manic as this time of year can feel, I do like baking and making for friends and family.
THINGS TO MAKE AND DO: We have a small house, as houses for a family of four children go. It has never been an uncomfortable house and when children were at home, there were good outdoor and indoor spaces for all ages. Now that it's an empty nest there's more space and time to welcome friends - or at least that's how it feels - and even though there are nice, comfy, cushioned places to sit and chat a morning or afternoon away, we always tend to come back to the kitchen table. I have long had a vision of making cushions for our table's bench seats. It's on the 2016 to-do list.
THINGS TO COOK AND EAT: With four at home there would be barrels of biscuits. No biscuit or cake recipe was ever cooked without doubling or tripling the ingredients. It's taken some time for us to amend all our favourite recipes to make up quantities that won't be wasted, but biscuits, now, there's something that will never be wasted.
THINGS TO DROP DOUGH ON: If a friend comes to stay the night, especially on a weekend, I like to put out magazine articles or guides to the local area. On the Central Coast we have the excellent Field Guide, updated quarterly, but guides like these - found when I was visiting New York earlier this year - are fun. They're divided into subjects of interest and come with maps to the key attractions. I am a sucker for a map.
THINGS TO HANG ON THE WALL: Oh, the expectation when you know someone special is on their way. Print by Natalia Moroz.
#flashback: Much the same this time last year, planning for Christmas, planning food to share and thinking about travel, particularly our booked New York trip.