

GOOD op shopping has eluded me for months. I have a theory that when you’re busy and distracted you are less able to see the opportunities...

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || a theory I have applies to op shopping

GOOD op shopping has eluded me for months. I have a theory that when you’re busy and distracted you are less able to see the opportunities in front of you. It’s a theory based in nothing more than casual observance, but a recent op shopping windfall has renewed my faith in the theory.

Short story is I have been busy and distracted, necessarily so, but the things requiring my acute attention have come to their natural, and in some cases, forced, conclusion.


As a door slams shut others are nudging open: a text from a friend on a curiously disturbing day of rapid change to suggest a job opening she thinks I’d be good at; a contract magically appearing on a job site I’ve been staring at for months; a colleague visiting and urging me to come and work with her; and, finally, adorable op shop finds better suited to a dress up box yet so irresistibly perfect for the change that’s manifesting. That flash of gold you see there belongs to the most magical vintage frock. It’s just begging to be worn and I need to find just the right occasion.

Come on universe, what have you got? Whatever it is, I’ve got the dress.

#opshopscore // Sportscraft stripe tee (NWT), $18; linen and lace inset blouse, $8; 
Levi's 553 jeans, $8; and, vintage 1960s full length frock, $12, all from East Gosford Vinnies

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