

Can you feel it? Can you feel spring on its way? Even though it's the middle of winter, I am already thinking about planting out spring ...

Can you feel it? Can you feel spring on its way? Even though it's the middle of winter, I am already thinking about planting out spring seeds and how I'll keep water up to new growth.

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || dry wild areas of Spain
There's a jug next to the kitchen sink to catch what water we can and buckets in the shower to water trees already showing the signs of water stress. I know the forecast and I know it's not good, but even so, I am looking to signs of what the garden can tolerate, taking cues from the Spanish countryside we walked through in a warm spring just a few months ago and now, no doubt, sweltering under record heatwave temperatures. We'll have the same here in just a few short months and I am walking the garden every week, looking at what will stay and what will need to go.


I WENT TO... I didn't stray far from home this month. Rather, I've been enjoying this gorgeous, although dry, winter weather. It was 22C at home today: t-shirt weather when you're in the garden.

I ATE... at the Patonga Hotel. It's not the first time I've eaten there, but on a glorious winter's day, there's nothing better to spend time with friends, walking from Pearl Beach to brunch at the hotel. Breakfast is served until 11.30am, and it's an extensive, brunchy kinda menu.

I OP SHOPPED... Now that we're staying put and not moving into our teeny, tiny unit, I've ventured into op shops empty handed and brought home a few small treasures, including a stash of American Cook's Illustrated magazines from the 1990s that I'll read before returning.

I MADE... I finished sewing in the ends and working the seams on a knitted vest and have started a toe-up socks pattern: my first attempt at two-at-a-time, toe-up socks. I can see that once you get the hang of the entanglement of wool and circular needles, they can be quite addictive.

I READ... That stack of books from last month isn't getting any smaller, though I have made my way through a couple and gave up on others, happily taking them back to the local library.

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