

And just like that March is behind us, Daylight Saving is over and we're two weeks out from Easter. How does it happen? Are you, like me...

And just like that March is behind us, Daylight Saving is over and we're two weeks out from Easter. How does it happen?
Are you, like me, somewhere back in January, or worse, 2016?

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || a glut of end of season tomatoes
This month slipped by so quickly, I had to think hard about all that's happened.


I WENT TO... Twilight at Taronga to see Martha Wainwright perform. After two weeks of rain we had a single perfect evening of clear skies. With a dear friend who had flown in from interstate, we enjoyed wine, cheese, biscuits, olives and smoked almonds on the Taronga Zoo lawn and lounged through an Indian Summer evening of great company and great music.

I ATE... Salads from the Arthur Street Kitchen Neighbourhood Cook Book. Every single salad I've made has been delicious. I make enough for dinner and lunch leftovers the next day, which has made me the envy of work colleagues.

I OP SHOPPED... A new pair of jeans, a Chinese doll, Milly Molly Mandy books, a 1950s biscuit tin, a pretty basket and four teeny weeny Tupperware containers. You can see them all here.

I MADE... I finished a bright pink pussy hat for winter wearing and have cast on a 1970s cardigan pattern.

I READ... I am making my way through book two of Elena Ferrente's Neapolitan series. Slowly. Much faster, and more interesting, reading is about Sylvia Plath's life in New York as a guest editor of Mademoiselle

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