

It's taken me almost two decades to get the garden to the stage where it delights with each season and I seem to be more conscious of th...

It's taken me almost two decades to get the garden to the stage where it delights with each season and I seem to be more conscious of the passing of them than ever before.

www.katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com.au || back garden in morning light

I've sat among this flowery scene every chance I've had in November, knowing there are a few short weeks when it will be at its best. Already the hippeastrums have faded and are falling. The jasmine has lost all its scent and the flowers are dropping. Herbs are already bolting and what were lush beds of mint, spearmint, oregano and thyme have grown tall and ratty. I am waiting for them to flower and serve the bees before I cut them back down.

In their place, a frangipani is budding, the evening primrose holds the last of the day's light to blanket the garden in a soft pink glow and I can see the bulge of new pomegranates. Here's to another a fleeting month in the garden.


I WENT TO... Patonga Beach and camped with five women I've met through Girl Guides, some firm friends and some new friends. The weather was glorious, the waters were calm along the tidal creek and the campsite was a good size and with shade for us to spread out and loll about. We're all Guide leaders, so camping without kids to look after and teach was a real treat (though, we're usually more than happy to camp with the kids too).

I ATE... at the newly opened The Boathouse Hotel, in the old Patonga Hotel. One of the joys of camping without the kids was being able to go to the pub, order a beer or cocktail and merrily make your way back to your tent.

I OP SHOPPED... Vintage cookbooks from the 1970s. I've cooked from The Busy Woman's Cookbook. The biscuit and slice cookbook will get a workout before Christmas.

I MADE... Christmas decor with grandkidlet No.1. We haven't seen Miss 6 much this year and when we did see her regularly there were always a request for paints, glue and the prized object of glitter. Now she's at school, the desire to do crafts at Nana and Cracker's house has dropped away. She stuck with it for a few moments, but the short attention span of a six-year-old is held these days by dress-up. Fortunately, the op shops have delivered that in spades. I delight in leaving pieces around the house for her to 'discover': big hats, even bigger sunglasses, silk scarves with fringing that tickles, sparkly gloves, clacky mules. She's a miniature eccentric Iris Apfel by the end of the day.

I READ... Pages and pages of academic papers and exam notes. The library will be getting a good workout over the Christmas break. Anything but an academic paper.

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