
This avo smash will not help you buy a house in Sydney

This will not save you enough money to buy a house in Sydney, but as avocado smashes go, it can claim to be tasty and stave off hunger. (No,...

This will not save you enough money to buy a house in Sydney, but as avocado smashes go, it can claim to be tasty and stave off hunger. (No, not that kind of hunger. Sheesh. Ranty!)

It's too, too easy and has been my go-to, easy to make lunch almost every weekend for the past month. Vita-Weat biscuits, avocado (in season, of course), salt, pepper and finally a shake of turmeric. 

Hunger sated, if you haven't been watching the great Avocado Smash debate of 2016 it started here, went here and, at last look, landed here

I'm actually with Junkee writer Osman Faruqi. New and alarming figures around child poverty were released last week along with dire predictions around youth homelessness. Osman puts it pretty succinctly, "it's a shit time to be a young person in Australia". 

No lunch of mine will save these complex economic and social problems but the debate interests me and, I like to think, anyone who values a fairer and more equitable world. 


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