

I BOUGHT a few CDs a couple of weekends back and loaded them to my iPod. I know, I know, so old school but I like having the CD artwork and...

I BOUGHT a few CDs a couple of weekends back and loaded them to my iPod. I know, I know, so old school but I like having the CD artwork and browsing artist notes and reading the lyrics out loud like a poem. I know, I know, don't point out the obvious inconsistencies in my professional life - as an online news editor - and my home life. I KNOW, OK! 

Anyhoot, I'm not the only one. I saw a fella on the train this morning pull a Sony Walkman from his pocket. That's right, an original Sony Walkman, with a ... wait for it ... cassette tape inside. He pulled the tape out, turned it over, clicked the case shut and popped it back into his pocket. And that was that. With eyes closed he started the head nodding and foot tapping that goes with diggin' your musical fancy.

I'll get round to doing the same, just as soon as I've finished listening to this podcast. Amazing. Fascinating woman. Fascinating life and a story so very close to home.

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