

FROM a cooking success story to a failure. Oh, go on, like you didn’t know there were more failures than successes. When you feed a fam...

FROM a cooking success story to a failure. Oh, go on, like you didn’t know there were more failures than successes. When you feed a family of six – two vegetarian, one that avoids red meat (me), one that avoids vegetables and one bleating on about requiring more protein (the sixth, bless her loves her food) – you do get told in no uncertain terms about the failures. Occasionally, there might be a few muttered, in low tones mind you, “that was all right”, when things meet the critics’ approval. This muffin recipe didn’t even make it through to the keeper. Though it irked me, all 12 of them went straight to the bin. OK, 11. I just couldn’t admit defeat.

The recipe was from my 1959 edition of the Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook. The Chicago-based institute won’t have my application any time soon.

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