

IT’S been a wee bit frantic in katiecrackernutsland. Tempers are frayed and not because there’s more than the usual to do; it’s possibly “th...

IT’S been a wee bit frantic in katiecrackernutsland. Tempers are frayed and not because there’s more than the usual to do; it’s possibly “the usual” that’s getting us all down. Like a lot of bloggers I try not to keep my personal life, well, personal. Really, the blog is a welcome escape from the day-to-day drudgery, petty arguments, annoyances and frustrations I know you all live with. Anyhoot, no more grumbling. Here is just some of what I have been promising to show.

The above is from a couple of old Girl Guide publications I have. They’re delightful pictures aren’t they? Imagine doing all that outdoorsy stuff in full uniform? Scarves have been knotted and tied, but I note a couple of the girls in the photo have lost theirs. Some things never change. I always pick up lost scarves at the end of unit meetings.

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