

I WAS pointed to a series of Girl Scout pictures posted byHannah, of Knick Knacks and Ric Rac . Alarna, of Little Jane St , saw them and bou...

I WAS pointed to a series of Girl Scout pictures posted byHannah, of Knick Knacks and Ric Rac. Alarna, of Little Jane St, saw them and bounced over to my blog to share the news. I can tell you, there will be no accordian or ukelele around the campfire on Saturday night. There'll be 105 Girl Guides on the campsite, so it will be noisy ... I feel a headache coming on already. Only four more weeks of Guides and then I'm off for six months. I'll be back for a fourth term - my final term with the unit - and have bookmarked the fabric printed curtains seen in Hannah's post for a hall project.

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