

When I was little my family lived opposite bush dominated by casuarinas, also known as she-oaks, and at Christmas I'd trot behind my Dad...

When I was little my family lived opposite bush dominated by casuarinas, also known as she-oaks, and at Christmas I'd trot behind my Dad when he wandered into the bush, owned by the local mine, to cut and bring home a tree.

www.katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || casuarinas in the australian bush

And, with each year, when day-time temperatures climb and bush scents are accentuated, I am reminded of those early Christmases.


I WENT TO... the Blue Mountains for a day of walking and scones to celebrate a friend's birthday.

I ATE... lovely meals at the homes of old friends who have a new house close by and old friends who are far away but well worth the long drive. A home-cooked meal is made all the better for eating it outside, and even though tables are dusty and the air smoky, to be outside with friends and good, lovingly-made fare is still a good choice.

I OP SHOPPED... A couple of 1980s Christmas craft books and a bright blue Indian pattern silk scarf (spy it here). I'll be sure to get all the Christmas craft books out this week, along with the trees and all the Christmas decor.

I MADE... Glazed pots will be out of the kiln tomorrow. I can't wait to pick them up. I love a glaze reveal.

I READ... Weather reports and seasonal forecasts. It seemed like all I did was watch fire alerts and keep across what important communications from Australian Red Cross needed to be on or off. If you're thinking about how you can help another this Christmas, do think about giving to Red Cross' Disaster Relief and Recovery fund. I can't share here all the amazing stories I hear from our staff and volunteers in the field, but if there was ever a time to ensure someone was there to guide people through the trauma of being evacuated, or worse, losing a home, it's now.

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