

It's always nice to come home after a long break away. You've lived without things for a while and you can see the place with fresh ...

It's always nice to come home after a long break away. You've lived without things for a while and you can see the place with fresh eyes. Certainly with a move pending, I've harnessed that and am whittling down possessions and being ruthless about what goes.

www.katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || shell macrame and autumn light in the back garden

It's less Marie Kondo, and more Life in a Tiny Apartment. We're moving from a four-bedroom suburban house to a two-bedroom teeny, tiny commuter unit. Now, that seems a drastic change, but the four bedroom house was never huge. When there were older teens and dependent adults living in it, it was pretty squishy. With all dependents now independent, it's fair we've become used to the space, so it'll be interesting to see how we go. We've got a few more weeks of packing up and getting the new space ready though, so wish us luck.


I WENT... nowhere. I spent time close to home catching up with friends and family following our month in Spain. Beach walks, coffee dates, long natters... it was pretty damn good.

I ATE... not much. Again, after a month of eating my body weight in tapas and pintxos, I was happy for simple fare. I did enjoy a dinner out at The Lucky Bee in its new location at Hardys Bay and a breakfast with a friend at Sul Rondo, at Avoca Beach.

I OP SHOPPED... Much, much more has gone out than come in, but I did score a plaid jacket and silk scarf - perfect for the change in season.

I MADE... I am itching to pick up a new knitting project, but I have two still sitting in my knitting bag and want to finish and wear them both this winter. It's never as exciting to finish a project though, as to start one. Ha! Even as I write that, I am aware I can apply that to a lot in my life. I must work on being as excited about completion. I am good at wrapping things up nice and neatly, just don't love it.

I READ... plenty of work emails, professional blogs and journals. I also cleared out a heap of books in preparation for the move. We've whittled our favourite books down to a single bookcase and donated a car boot-load to a local fundraiser.

Any tips for living in a small space, or know brands who have clever furnishing or cabinetmaking solutions for building in storage to a small space?

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