

Looking back on September of last year and the year before , there's a common theme: getting out to soak up spring. This year is mu...

Looking back on September of last year and the year before, there's a common theme: getting out to soak up spring.

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com.au || grevillea outside a stroud cottage

This year is much the same. The days are longer with more time for walking in the evening, warm sun means sitting out under the shade of trees in the back yard and grabbing every excuse to spend a day or few hours away from work or study.


I WENT TO... school. My final trimester of uni started in the first week of September and it's hard to comprehend I am a month in and have two left until a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is done and dusted (so long as I pass). University studies mean I won't be going anywhere until December. Be assured, I'll be making up for it then.

I ATE... simple fare. You don't have to be in a fancy restaurant or cosy cafe to have a great dining experience. I reckon my best feed of the month was a picnic of Vita-Weats, hummus, avocado, tomato and cheese packed to feed friends setting up their campsite ahead of this week's Girl Guides Australia Jamboree. I helped kick off planning for the Jamboree a couple of years back and here it is, in all it's tent city glory, with about 1500 girls and volunteer leaders from across Australia and around the world in Sydney for a week. I wish I was there: camp food and all.

I OP SHOPPED... barely anything. More is going out to the op shops than coming in. I have taken two car loads of clothing, kitchenware and books to different op shops and markets and the only thing that's come back in is a pottery mug. A garage sale in October will hopefully shift a lot more. Let the downsizing begin.

I MADE... a good start on a new knitting project. With a new season of Outlander due soon I figured now was as good a time to find out what all the fuss is about, and what better way to binge on a series than with the sticks in hand. I'm knitting up a chunky vest in a 12 ply stash I found last year. It should be done by the time the weather turns stinking hot: a usual pattern for my knitting, knit winter gear to wear in summer and have summer gear off the sticks for winter.

I READ... a historical thriller/who-done-it. I picked up Mr Peacock's Possessions for a flight back from Queensland in August. Flying time is good reading time and I am all for packing away devices and leaving work behind when flying. I pretend I'm holidaying by indulging in a couple of hours guilt-free reading. Mr Peacock's Possessions is a menacing read. The control, the despair, the trap this family and its workers find themselves will leave you uneasy, as will the ending.

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