

I've unplugged, as in 'actually' unplugged, pulled the plug, am off the air. Instead I am reading through pages of study no...

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com.au || Mark Solarski for Unsplash

I've unplugged, as in 'actually' unplugged, pulled the plug, am off the air.

Instead I am reading through pages of study notes and completing practice exams in a last push to finish my second, of six, postgraduate trimesters.

The incentive is that as soon as my last online exam times out, I will be packing my bag and flying off for one glorious week in Malaysia. Your recommendations of food, art, gardens, markets and other inspiration are welcome. I'll be in Kuala Lumpur for a few days before a night in the Cameron Highlands and a couple of nights in Penang.

I'll be back before I know it.
Image source: Mark Solarski, on Unsplash

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