

OKAY. Nobody panic. We might be days away from Santa and his elves noticing that things are not peaceful, full of joy or even merry, but we ...

OKAY. Nobody panic. We might be days away from Santa and his elves noticing that things are not peaceful, full of joy or even merry, but we can salvage this. We can. No, seriously. We got this.

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || make and do and cook and eat for christmas

THINGS TO MAKE AND DO: No tree? What? Are you seriously that disorganised? Forget it. Make yourself some giant snowflakes. Even better make them out of recycled newspaper and tell people you're making a statement about climate change by refusing to chop down a tree and subtly nudging people to remember the snow-themed anomaly.

THINGS TO COOK AND EAT: Gingerbread is really not that hard. It's not, and not having the fancy cutter to make Gingerbread People (the gender neutral version) is no excuse, especially if you can just roll a tablecloth over it, and, bam, you're done. Brilliant. People will be thinking you've come over all Martha Stewart.

katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com || drop dough on and hang on the wall for Christmas
THINGS TO DROP DOUGH ON: Elk has you covered - one stop shopping, at least for the adults, and so long as you get it done by Sunday. It delivers and if you add a couple of dollars to your order, you're helping the world's children - see who said you weren't all peace and goodwill at Christmas.

THINGS TO HANG ON THE WALL: I am guessing if you're this disorganised, you probably have done nothing about writing Christmas cards and are feeling a little awkward about those you have received. No worries. Hang them like this, Instagram it and tag your friends with a 'thank you, love the card, yours is in the mail'. Forgiven.

#flashback: Damn it. This time last year I had one Christmas card. This year none. Is it me? 

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