

WELL, hello there. Nice to see you. In August: I WENT TO… Mount Victoria, in the Blue Mountains, to a little-known place called Rand...

WELL, hello there. Nice to see you.

In August:

I WENT TO… Mount Victoria, in the Blue Mountains, to a little-known place called Random Cottage. The site is a Girl Guide property that once hosted intrepid women hikers. The original cottage is an old miner’s cottage with the bare basics but a view to die for. Nearby are dormitories and a big kitchen suited to cooking up steaming pots of hearty soup for hungry Girl Guide volunteers. It was here, over the first weekend in August, that the wonderful volunteers who plan out the delivery of the Girl Guide program in NSW and the ACT came together. I’m keen to go back on a non-Guiding weekend and explore the tracks generations before me came to the campsite and original cottage for.

I ended the month at a Girl Guide event too – in fact, every weekend of August was a Girl Guide weekend.

However, the weekend just gone was pretty special. I slept out on the concert lawn of Taronga Zoo. Yup. Just me, my trusty swag, and 1000 Girl Guides. The weather was glorious and I quite literally woke up and rolled over just before 6am to see Sydney Harbour glistening and winking in the pink dawn light. A privilege and an experience I could only have as a Girl Guide leader.

If you’re curious about becoming a leader, or are keen for your daughter to join, drop me a comment, or visit the Girl Guides Australia website to find a link for your state contacts.

I ATE… A breakfast at Bloom, in Mosman, Sydney, choosing The Balmoral for its eggy goodness, roasted tomato, avocado, greens and salty Persian feta.

A lunch at Neil Perry’s Burger Project, at World Square, Sydney. I dunno, I wasn’t that fussed. It’s no Shake Shack.

A dinner at Chur Burger, in Surry Hills, Sydney. Again, I must be pretty fussy about my burgers. A soggy, stick to the roof of your mouth, smooshy mess.

I OP SHOPPED… Books, knitting patterns, a 1960s vintage cheongsam, and a spring wardrobe refresh to add cute Levi’s jean shorts and a linen overdress.

I MADE… Not just made, I finished, the ‘red vest’ knitted in the round from an op shop salvaged stash. I’ve been carting this thing around to my study programs, Girl Guide meetings and on the daily commute for almost a year and I finally got it off the sticks, blocked and made up. Done!

I also made three Bilby beanies for the Girl Guide sleep out at the zoo. I am part of a leadership trio, and we wanted to team with the event theme of ‘Bilbies, Bedrolls and Biscuits’. We, if I do say so myself, looked adorable.

I READ… Reports, minutes, agendas. Reports, minutes, agendas. Reports, minutes, agendas. It’s been one meeting after another with not a lot of time to catch up in between. I am just managing to sneak in audio book chapters on my commutes to and from meetings. Just.

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