

I'M introducing a new thingy to the blog. I'm calling it Famous Five Says... Every so often - don't hold me to a routine - I...

I'M introducing a new thingy to the blog. I'm calling it Famous Five Says...
Every so often - don't hold me to a routine - I'll whack up a quip from the Famous Five books I've started rereading. Already the books have inspired a drink and a nostalgia trip of ridiculous proportion and I thought I'd share a little of the wisdom and whimsy of the five's adventures.

It was a lovely picnic, that first one in the copse. There were clumps of primroses all round, and from somewhere nearby came the sweet scent of hidden violets. A thrush was singing madly on a hazel tree, with two chaffinches calling "pink pink" every time he stopped
"Band and decorations laid on," said Julian, waving his hand towards the singing birds and the primroses.

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