

And here we are again, another month, another emergency. I'm delayed on this post, and for good reason. There are plenty of balls in the...

And here we are again, another month, another emergency. I'm delayed on this post, and for good reason. There are plenty of balls in the air, and like you, no doubt, I've been adjusting to the new routines of working from home.

Look, I don't mind working from home. I've got a quiet office space set up and all my children are grown, so there are not little ones here (or bigger ones) seeking amusement, help with homework, a snack (again) or the adult deliberations on sibling squabbles. I studied full time and remotely for two years through 2017 and 2018, so forming a new team and executing a project became pretty routine in the online learning environment. I have a garden to dig in and enjoy time outside, I have a pretty stable internet connection, a well-stocked pantry and freezer, a craft stash and a bookshelf of unread books to keep me amused in my downtime.

But mostly I'm spending my time wrapping up my emergency campaign work at one place and preparing mentally (and remotely) to serve the community through another. It's not an easy thing to be leaving an organisation that's mid-emergency and seriously scaling up its programs to support people made vulnerable by Covid-19, as well as maintaining its emergency grants and recovery programs for those affected by summer's bushfires. It's also not without some trepidation that I take a gigantic, and exciting, leap in the middle of a devastated economy. Family members all around me are being laid off each and every week of the past few. If that's happening in your household too, I hope you're doing okay. Equally, if your loved ones are essential service workers and unable to stay safe at home, we share your worries.

What I am buoyed by is the kindness and care I am seeing in my community and around the world. I am heartened by Zoom and Facebook chats about the kind of world that could be forged as a result of this pandemic. I am amazed by the ingenuity of businesses and I am astounded by the ways people are sharing, communicating and connecting.

While this isn't my usual monthly rundown of where I've been and what I've seen, it's a grab bag of things I've read online over the past few weeks and want to share.

Killing Coronavirus with kindess: here and here
Caremongering. I love this almost as much as 'cocooing'.
Tips from Australian Red Cross staff working from home about how to amuse the little ones
We can't take part, but we can still do the art: here and here

Get your scissors out for an #isocrafternoon
I'm thinking of buying one for me and one for a friend 
I wasn't quick enough for this Wes Anderson-inspired addition to the craft stash
Listen with your daughter, or son
There's a link to vintage paper crafts

A virtual scone to replace the one you might have bought from the Royal Easter Show tearooms
An immune-boosting kick to take you into the cooler months
Simple home-baked bread

I hope you're doing okay and finding ways to thrive in these times.
Photo by Mink Mingle on Unsplash

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