
I've done it... May

I knew going into May that it was going to be a doozy. If you follow along on Instagram, you might have seen this mid-month recap . I fa...

I knew going into May that it was going to be a doozy. If you follow along on Instagram, you might have seen this mid-month recap.

I failed an exam and passed a course, I lost a job and picked up another, we got good family news we got bad family news, we celebrate a milestone with extended family and friends: in short, a doozy.

But right now, as I tap out this overview of the month that's been, I am starting a new uni trimester, settling alongside my colleagues into a directorate restructure, taking the steps to manage the bad family news and preparing our lives for the changes that will come with the good news. It's true that, with time, all things pass. Another month done and dusted and don't get me wrong, despite the hurly burly, I am not wishing them away too quickly.


I WENT TO... The NSW Southern Highlands for my Dad's 70th. I have amazing parents, I really do, and I felt such pride to see Dad with all the people who love and adore him as much as we do. Following Dad's birthday, the Mrs and I took a week off to celebrate my being free of uni exams and travelled to Yass, Yarrangobilly Caves in Mount Kosciusko National Park, Cooma, Canberra to see the Cartier exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia and then home. That dripping tap belongs to the outdoor shower at Yarrangobilly's thermal pool

I ATE... We had our share of country pub meals and Chinese take out on our road trip, but the meal you eat after a day of bushwalking and fresh air always seems so much tastier. I've discovered bagels. Who knew. Toasted and topped with hummus, smoked tuna and a handful of chopped cherry toms, they've become a firm household favourite.

I OP SHOPPED... I intended to do a lot more op shopping on the road trip than I did. I stopped only twice to rummage in an op shop but the two dips netted op shop gold. I scored a great Jigsaw trench and plaid wool jacket along with a vintage Helen Kaminski hat, a stash of paper sewing patterns, a pottery bowl and cute coasters. In total I spent about $20 on the lot.

I MADE... After a week of big breakfasts and pub meals, I was hankering for simple, home-cooked fare and cooked up a roast, stock, soup, kombucha and a batch of bircher muesli. 

I READ... 2017 Stella Prize winner Heather Rose's Museum of Modern Love. I had to beg forgiveness at my local library for taking it off the shelves for almost double the time I was allowed to, but I had to take it on the road trip and finish it properly. Weeks of uni study and exams meant I'd put it aside. It was a well-earned treat to read something non-academic and so wondrously all-consuming.

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