

It's almost not worth noting what I did this month. This is my second trimester of study and I am finding something of a rhythm, but the...

It's almost not worth noting what I did this month. This is my second trimester of study and I am finding something of a rhythm, but there is one solid four to six weeks where there is nothing to do but hit the books and try to keep on top of readings, assignments and exams.

Thankfully I am coming out of that fog and have all but two exams left to do before the final trimester starts in September.


I WENT TO... Honestly, I barely left the house. Aside from the daily commute to work and a bush walk close to home, a sojourn to Sydney's Northbridge was as far afield as I travelled.

I ATE... My mid-week study break treat takes me to Like Minds, at Avoca Beach, for a coffee and a dark chocolate and raspberry brownie. It's heaven to leave the books, if just for half an hour.

I OP SHOPPED... Again, nothing to see here. I am plotting an op shop adventure soon.

I MADE... You're kidding right? Hang on, I did make jam. Ruby grapefruit jam from fruit swapped at the Avoca Beach Produce Swap, hosted at Like Minds. The next one is on August 20.

I READ... Now this is interesting. I found a book at a local op shop months ago. It was a hard cover with tattered paper fly cover. The description of an Australian woman serving as a medical specialist during World War II interested me. I am drawn to stories of women with an adventurous spirit and who defy the conventions of the time to feed that spirit. The book's title Matilda Waltzes with the Tommies alludes to the time the author, Mary Kent Hughes spent with the British forces in the Middle East, but when I went to find more about Mrs Kent Hughes there was little to be found. I'm early into a second book she wrote, where she's cast aside following the war and has a good deal to say about the treatment of women, of the patriarchy, of the Australian Government even Australian Red Cross. She's a pre-feminist Australian warrior woman and I can find very little about her online. I'll do some digging. She studied at the University of Melbourne, was a Major in the British Army, an accomplished radiologist, was published in The Bulletin and wrote two non-fiction and one fiction book. Surely there's more to learn.

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