

WHILE we've had a few hot days on the coast, it's been a pretty mild summer here thus far. Sadly, others can't say the same. ...

WHILE we've had a few hot days on the coast, it's been a pretty mild summer here thus far. Sadly, others can't say the same. Dangerous fires at one end of the country and dangerous rain and flooding at the other. Those well out of harm's way has more than the usual to be grateful for this Christmas.


I WENT TO… Work and home. Work and home. With so much to do in December, we kept it pretty light and easy and didn't stretch the load, or budget, too much.

I ATE… My weight's worth in Christmas cheer. So. Much. Food. We've all declared dining will be much lighter next year. I saw Bradshaw and Sons Boxing Day tradition posted today and think we might implement that idea too.

I OP SHOPPED… A new dress for work - in the usual '80s tradition I am want to go for.

A second dress: an embroidered muumuu for want of a better description. The fabric is great though. Colourful, Mexican-style embroidery. There's enough fabric in it to make it into something else and I have the scissors and sewing machine out.

And finally, new-to-me shorts and a couple of sewing patterns, one of which I'll try out on the muumuu.

I MADE… Actually, I unraveled the knitting I started last month. I kept the pattern going and went to check the instructions only to find I'd left the knitting magazine behind in Coolah - some six hours away. Needless to say I liked how the thrifted stash was knitting up, so dug out a new pattern and have the yarn back on the sticks.

I also finished my annual Christmas homemade decorations. I found this idea on Pinterest, made up a pattern and stitched up a storm.

I READ… Under the Persimmon Tree by Suzanne Fisher Staples. This is young adult fiction set in Afghanistan. It tells the tale of a New York woman living in Afghanistan and wife to an Afghani doctor, and the story of a farming family living in an area under the control of the Taliban. It's a sad but honest read of life in Afghanistan, and sadly too many other conflict-riddled countries around the world. Whether a young adult, or just plain old adult, it's worth the read.

#image: A bladder cicada found dead but complete thanks to being out of sight of the garden's butcher bird and magpies.

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