October 12, 2015JUDY is getting on now. She’s not as young as her Mary Jane’s and frilly bloomers would have you imagine and, while I wouldn’t say it to her face, she’s been looking a little rough.
Judy is one of my childhood playmates. She was knitted by my Nana and has been knocking about with me since I was two or three. We go way back, so far back I had no problem pointing out she’d let herself go. She’d allowed the silverfish to take up residence and, if things kept on the same way - I told her - it'd be a one-way doll ambulance ride out the door.
Thankfully, she heeded my advice and allowed me to offer up some tender loving care. Sheesh, it was the least I could do.
While mine are not surgeon’s hands, I am handy with a needle and a few skeins of well-matched tapestry wool. A little darning, a clean up in a tub of wool wash and a bit of time drying in the sun, and she’s looking much more her old self.
- Also handy with a needle are the Dorsu team, but it also needs a little help.
- Dreaming of new far-flung places to travel. I'm inspired by this two-part blog post.
- Who doesn't love a good chutney? It's 'good' with a capital G.
- My favourite piece of writing advice. Don't write from the office chair.
- A rewrite for the Huffington Post.