July 22, 2010A NEW job, new routines, a new school term with new programs for the Girl Guides, new craft projects, new veggies to plant, new recipes to try out on the family ... there’s a lot of new. There’s a lot of the old stuff too. I’m not one for ditching the old stuff to make way for the new. It’s a bit like wiggling one more bum on to the couch, there always seems to be a bit of give and everyone fits – until the couch collapses, of course.
Anyhoot, rambling aside, I’ve a few pairs of sunnies, almost all of them with prescription lenses that I can’t see through and I haven’t the spare cash or inclination to have my lenses fitted. There was much excitement when I handed a mere $2 over for these RayBan Chicago-style sunglasses, sans prescription, at my neighbourhood Vinnies a couple of weeks ago’. They make up for missing out on the pale pink Jonathan Sceats sunnies at Rozelle Markets a month or so back. I had just the right amount of coin left at the end of a day of rummaging and went to buy them but some lucky bargain-hunter had already snapped them up. These are better, I think. I feel all Molly Ringwald in them.